International Cooperation

The GSSA has various agreements, practices or formal MOUs in place with a number of local and global organizations. These arrangements cover a variety of areas, but broadly cover professional practice, event reciprocity, advocacy and general mutual cooperation as circumstances dictate. The GSSA does not release personal data to any organization, irrespective of whether an agreement is in place or not.

Professional Association Professional Recognition Event Reciprocity Mutual Cooperation Advocacy
EFG (European Federation of Geologists) × × ×
Geoscientists Canada ×
GCN (Geoscience Council of Nambia) ×
GGPG (Global Geoscience Professionalism Group) × × ×
GSA (Geological Society of America) ×
IAH (International Association of Hydrologists) × ×
IMA (International Mineralogical Association) × ×
NSTF (National Science and Technology Forum) x
SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals) x x x
SAGA (South African Geophysical Association) x x
SAIMM (South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) x x
SSC (SAMCODES Standards Committee) x x