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SAICE Geotech Division: Lessons learnt from Tailings Failures, 28 August 2017

SAICE Geotech Division will hold a workshop on Lessons learnt from Tailings Failures (Monday 28 August 2017), presented by Danie Brink, John Wates and Martin Rust at the Bytes Conference Centre in Midrand.

The workshop is focused on the lessons learnt from tailings failures, and will
comprise highly topical lectures from three of South Africa’s most prominent
and experienced tailings engineers.

Danie Brink will present case studies on the Merriespruit, Samarco and Mount Polley failures, with a focus ontheir failure mechanisms and the events leading to these.
John Wates will present findings from his involvement in the recent  p ICMM review panel and the consequential changes in the operation and management of tailings storage facilities worldwide.

Dr. Martin Rust will present on the phenomenon of static liquefaction of tailings, it’s application in the South African context, how to assess the potential for it and how it relates to dam break analysis.

The lectures are intended to give both young and experienced engineers an insight into the current and imminent changes in our state of practice as a result of these major, historical, failure events.

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